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Re: Ogre in DSII? (and DS unit organisation)

From: jeremy claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 15:06:17 +0100 ()
Subject: Re: Ogre in DSII? (and DS unit organisation)

> What's the curent thinking in converting Ogre minis to DSII?
I'm sure Ogre has been discussed he many times. Don't recal the outcome

> Also, it seems as if FT and SG are the main games discussed here. Is
DS the
> poor relative of the trio? Do fewer people play it? Is it just not as
> wildly popular as the other two?

I actually play FT and DSII and not SG. 
I got into DSII in a quest to find something less predictable and stat
based as GW's Epic.
I like 1/300th scale combat.
I'm currently experimenting with unit organisation. Rather than have 3
or 4 of the same 
vehicles in a unit I'm mixing vehicles to get a more flexible unit.

I have named them Combat groups and currently each unit has:

Armoured Combat Group
2 light tanks
1 medium tank
1 Missile vehicle (either multiple GMS/H or SLAM)

Infantry Combat Group
2 light tanks
2 medium APC's (2 squads in each)
1 IFV (GMS capacity and 1 Squad)

I found that this gave my opponents a lot of problems because of the 
range of weapons available to the groups was far greater than if all the

vehicles in a unit were the same.

jeremy claridge

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