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RE: Vector Combined Maneuvers

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:44:47 +0100
Subject: RE: Vector Combined Maneuvers

>>As I read this, the restriction on ROTATIONS or PUSHES to one
>>each is ONLY
>>if you combine them. So it would be OK to have two rotations
>>or two pushes
>>in one turn so long as there is no combination of the two.
>>Am I reading it right?
>My interpretation is that you are limited to ONE of each
>manoeuvre type by this rule, regardless of how you combine them.
>The examples don't show multiple use of either type and I think
>by looking at the description manoeuvres the intention is for
>one of each per turn. But I agree there is room for your
>interpretation too.
>I agree this has an impact on the use of tactical rotation,
>especially on retrograding.
>Jon T, what was the intent?

Original intent was for only ONE of each manoeuvre per turn, so I
this should be considered the [OFFICIAL] ruling; however, there is no
reason why you shouldn't allow multiple rotations IF that suits the
of game you want, and all your playing group agree.

Jon (GZG)
>-= tim jones =-

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