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From: "Thomas Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:22:20 -0400
Subject: Ghurkas

The Tuffleymeister spoke thusly:

Bearing in mind that the whole
[OFFICIAL] background is there purely
simply for FUN, rather than any real
kind of pseudo-future-historical
"accuracy" (whatever the hell that is),
I tend to go along with this
feeling. The Gurkhas should still be in
NAC service, though I also like the
concept of allowing some of them to hire
out as Mercs for other conflicts
provided they don't actually fight
against NAC troops, allies or interests.
Why does the idea of a harsh, barren
Gurkha- settled colony world just
scream "Dorsai" at me....?  :-)

Jon (GZG)

This was the kind of feedback I was
looking for. I'm collaborating with
Adrian Johnson to come up with a draft
timeline for the Nepalese. I think (in
order that they can serve the House of
Sa'ud, the NAC King, other Sultans and
such in the IF, and even with the ESU
(Indian component) or OU) they should
have an independent colony. And
obviously, it should be harsh and
feature mountainous and jungle-like
terrain types.

I will post either the article itself or
an URL to same when it reaches a decent
stage. I firmly plan to see Ghurkas in
action against the KV Hordes.... :)

Thomas Barclay
Software UberMensch
xwave solutions
(613) 831-2018 x 3008

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