Re: Full Thrust and PBEM
From: "I climb as hard as anybody - I just do it on easier routes." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:35:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Full Thrust and PBEM
>> >Even after your Total Immersion Java course?
>> THAT'S IT, NOAM! You've pressed my last (okay, only ;) button!
>> I call you out! I say to you: meet me on the field of battle (or
>> of battle, whichever) in two weeks time! (well, some weekday evening
>> after Memorial Day other than that friday, anyway - if you're free,
>> is! :).
>> M '<mutter> show *him* total immersion in java <grumble>' k
>You think you guys would be less hostile after what happened in
>(Or what will happen to Noam, in about two turns. (8-) )
That's it! AARON! I CALL YOU OUT! (for not having given Jerry orders yet
"Fear holds us and binds us and keeps us from growing. It kills a small
piece of us each day. It holds us to what we know and keeps us from
what's possible, and it is our worst enemy. Fear doesn't announce
it's disguised and it's subtle. It's choosing the safe course; most of
feel we have 'rational' reasons to avoid taking risks. The brave man is
the one without fear but the one who does what he must despite being
To succeed you must be willing to risk total failure."
-Raymond Feist