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[SGII] Independant Figures as heros

From: "Scott Spieker" <scspieker@f...>
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 00:35:37 -0400
Subject: [SGII] Independant Figures as heros

    Ok, I have a question, which may have been addressed at some other
Let's say we are going to do a WH40K conversion into SGII.  In so doing
have several unit types with their appropriate abilities (Morale,
leadership, fire power, etc.) which all converts easily.  Then we throw
the unit leaders or character types.

    Example:  A force of 4 Blood Angle berserks being led by a chaplain.
Now the berserks convert pretty easily, but then how would the unit
add in his 'special' abilities to the group's over all effectiveness? 
sake of this example, I will assign the unit a training level or
with a combined firepower or a D8 and no support weapons.  So when
ensues, we roll our happy dice of D10 and, D8.	The target rolls the
die.  Remember this is an example only and does not reflect any type of
actual conversion.

    1. Would the leader add in an additional die [added die option] like
support weapon (die type depending on type of weapon/character/ability
course), or
    2. would the presence of the leader only modify the unit's overall
ability such as adding or subtracting a 'value' [ plus option ] to the
(i.e. +1, +2, etc)?
    3. Would the plus/minus options throw off the relative possibilities
the opposed rolling system used in SGII or would it only enhance the
    4. How would the leader type be used if not leading a unit, but
worked as an independent figure?
    5. If the added die option is used, then what would then happen if
unit had a support weapon as well?  The number of dice being thrown may
offset the realistic chances of a two or three-to-one die odds ratio of
beating the opponent with two dice...
    6. Is the plus option just as bad?

Scott Spieker

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