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Re: Martian Terraforming

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 15:24:53 +0100
Subject: Re: Martian Terraforming

>Does anyone remember whether an effort to terraform Mars was mentioned
>the official Tuffleyverse timeline?  I seem to recall that it was, but
>can't find it now.

As far as I can remember (without trawling through all the stuff I've
written) we never mentioned Mars much, or indeed detailed what was
happening on any of the planets of the Sol system bar Earth.  I feel
would probably be colonised (perhaps quite heavily, and by several
nations), but not terraformed (or at least not fully) - the discovery of
FTL probably came before any real efforts could be made in this
making it easier to find habitable worlds than make them.
Personally I like the B5 concept of Mars - settled with domed colonies,
still pretty inhospitable, but YMMV - this ISN'T and [OFFICIAL] (tm)

Jon (GZG)
>(Because it's late, and I'm not sleepy, I'm putting down the ideas for
>new--and very different, but not silly this time--power that I've been
>playing with since my posting this afternoon.	Anything that I don't
>down gets left by the wayside, and this seems like something worth
>John X Crimmins
>  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
>They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
>  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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