Strategic Thrust using Buck Rogers Board (was [FH] Full Diplomacy)
From: Michael Sarno <atomicat@g...>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 13:03:48 -0500
Subject: Strategic Thrust using Buck Rogers Board (was [FH] Full Diplomacy)
Rick Norman wrote:
> Ever heard a game called "Buck Rogers in 23rd Century" produced by
> TSR(?) in 80's? They did a Axis and Allies type game using a similar
> 'orbit" systems. It was a silly and cheesy game about a very silly and
> chessy show. Due to its similarily to A&A, it was popular game with
> game group I play with for while.
I always thought that the "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" game was
based on the comics characters. If it was based on any "show" it was
probably the 1940 serial "Buck Rogers" starring Buster Crabbe
"", which was, far from being
cheesy, a sci-fi breakthrough and a classic.
I have a copy of the game, but haven't played the actual game in
but I don't recall it being similar to A&A, except, maybe, that they
have plastic figures. As I recall, the game was a good grand strategic
take on the whole solar struggle. The many different variants that were
included with the rules made for engaging play.
I have been using the "Buck Rogers" board and planet counters for
to play a Diplomacy variant I have dubbed "Solar Diplomacy." Since
learning the Full Thrust rules, I have been meaning to try a strategic
using the same board and planet counters. I was thinking of the
strategic rules:
No ships would possess FTL and can move one space per turn for each
thrust factor (Depending on the economics situation, perhaps, one space
every two thrust factors.) that they possess. Combat can only occur
between fleets that are located in a planet's near or far orbit. Far
and the space on the solar system track that the planet counter
occupies are not considered the same. Mines may be placed in any near
far orbit space and on any space on the solar system track. Mines
in the space that is currently occupied by the planet counter on the
system track do not move with the planet, but ships on that space have
option to move with the planet. Ships can pick up supplies from a
planet or be repaired by planetary facilities in near orbit or, for an
atmosphere capable ship, on the planet itself.
Transport ships may transport troops. Troops are either infantry
mechanized. I'm still working out the details of the economics, but the
cost ratio of infantry to mech would be 3:5. On a d6 infantry would hit
a 5 or 6 while mech would hit on a 4, 5, or 6. Only one round of combat
could occur each turn for each "battle," except for landings, which
allow the defenders to roll for hits for one round and then allow the
round of combat. All ground combat is considered simultaneous, except,
course, the first round in a landing.
Except for the economics, the rest is just detail.
Michael Sarno
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