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Re: Any FT in game stores near Wash DC?

From: "You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 07:45:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Any FT in game stores near Wash DC?

>Well, this is an interesting turn of events.  No more than a month
after I
>meet all the great people at the East Coast Convention do I discover
that I
>may be living on the East Coast by the time the next convention comes
>Seems my dear wife (sorry, Mike Siefert, you can't have her!) has a job
>offer near Washington D.C. and since a) it pays a heck of a lot more
>what she is making now and even a little bit more than what I am making
>(horrors!) and b) I was looking to change jobs anyway and was in fact
>returning from an interview when she got the news of her offer and c)
>were also looking for a new house...anyway, it makes a lot of sense
that if
>we were going to leave St. Louis now would be the time.

Yer comin' out this way, Nick? Cool! I don't know the stores in the DC
area very well, but Little Wars (run by Fabet, who was at GZG-ECC) is
down on the west side somewhere. There's another store up in the
area, Dream Wizards or something. They stock a variety of stuff, but I
don't remember details (was only there once last year and don't remember
everything they carried in there). I don't know any other stores down in
the DC area after that. Not much up here in B'more.  :-/

Welcome to the East when you finally get here.	:)

Daune: "How can you be asleep and getting ready at the same time?"

Indy: "I'm multi-tasking..."

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