RE: OK, here's what happened....
From: Nathan Pettigrew <nathanp@M...>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 08:07:15 -0800
Subject: RE: OK, here's what happened....
I don't get it that y'all were smooching and _then_ she says she just
to be friends, but there you go.
If it helps, a friend of mine was in a very similar situation a couple
years ago. She gave him the let's just be friends speech after they had
been dating for a couple of weeks. He was not a happy camper for some
and even named his D&D character "Misogy" (misogynist). To make a long
story short, a couple of months later he met a great woman (much nicer
the first IMHO) who he eventually married and they are doing the
ever after thing".
So look at it this way, you may have dodged a bullet on the way to
the right the girl.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark A. Siefert: LORD OF ALL EVIL! []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 9:43 AM
> To: Ground Zero Games Mailing List
> Subject: OT: OK, here's what happened....
> OK, for both of who were on the Mark A. Siefert suicide watch, my
> for your sympathy and support...
> I've finally calmed down to the point were I can talk about what
> At the time, I had only been out with this girl twice. Everything was
> going quite well and we were even getting to the point where we
> smooching a few times
> Then, I made a deadly mistake: I sent her a dozen long-stemmed roses
> FTD.
> This monday she took me aside to tell me that the gift was way over
> top. She said there was a "misunderstanding," she didn't think of me
> that way, and that she just wanted to be friends.. you all know the
> I've been told that finding love is similar to the way a great
> solves a crime: You gather clues, interview witnesses, follow
> leads; but most of the time you rely on blind, stupid LUCK.
> Unfortunetly, I'm not very lucky (as anyone who has seen my FT dice
> can tell you). By the time I deduce that it was Miss. Scarlet in the
> conservatory with the lead pipe, Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, and
> Brother Cadfael have apprehended her and all the other suspects.
> Maybe it's time I hung up my deerstalker and magnifying glass.
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
> "[Like] fire and fusion, government is a dangerous servant and a
> master."
> --Professor Bernardo de la Paz
> "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"
> by Robert A. Heinlein