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Re: [FT] Quick Q: Class 2 arcs

From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:21:34 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Quick Q: Class 2 arcs

First let me say, I am not trying to stir anything up.	I realize that
Jon (GZG)
made his point.  No harm intended, none taken.	 It's just a (few)
questions.  I am
not saying that FT is wrong...One thing I like, is that it is different
from the
other ship games I have played.  Like a fresh breeze.  And like Jon(GZG)
said in
the rule book:	Change it as you see fit for YOUR own games...

Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:

> This is my personal take on these questions:
> >How about finding a way to allow the 6-arc system to shift 30
> >(half an
> >arc)
> I see your point here, and even though it would be an easy solution to
> problem I've been having with Class 1 RGs... Why not 15 degrees; why
not 1
> degree. Where do you draw the line for simplicity's sake. FT draws
> line at 60 degrees.

Well...Limiting it to half an arc, is simpler (less munchkinized).  I
just thought
it would allow more variation without adding complexity.

> >How about allowing the old 4-arc system to co-exist?  allowing it to
> >half
> >an arc also?
> Simply, I'd say that in general it would be impossible to reconcile
> two, POINT COST wise, without fractional accounting. Fractions bad.

You have a point.  (no pun intended)  It gives me food for thought...

> >How about seperating the weapons from the firearcs, and then allow
the players
> >to assemble their arcs to their weapons, any way they want, and still
> >official?  (this would allow more ship designs before they started to
seem the
> >same, and without adding any complexity.)
> I'm not sure what you mean here, so I'm not gonna touch it.

In my own ship-to-ship combat games (the ones I have made up), I usually
listed all
of the weapons in one list, and the firearcs in the other.  The rules
usually adjusted for the mass of the weapon.  The larger the mass of
weapon, and
the greater the number of arcs it had, the more the turret-system would
cost and

> >Seeing as this is a mini's game, I do not see why the arcs have to be
> >in any way.	(of course have arcs of a set number of degrees makes
the whole
> >thing simpler...)
> Got it in one. Add Game Balance to that list and you're there.
> Schoon

Thanks for your response.  Much wisdom to think about.

Donald Hosford

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