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Re: [FT] Quick Q: Class 2 arcs

From: "Steve Pugh" <steve@w...>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:50:49 -0000
Subject: Re: [FT] Quick Q: Class 2 arcs

> How about finding a way to allow the 6-arc system to shift 30 degrees?
> (half an arc) How about allowing the old 4-arc system to co-exist? 
> allowing it to shift half an arc also? How about seperating the
> from the firearcs, and then allow the players to assemble their arcs
> their weapons, any way they want, and still be official?  (this would
> allow more ship designs before they started to seem the same, and
> adding any complexity.)

In order to create some Star Trek (movie era) designs I've had to 
change the firing arcs to eight 45 degree arcs with 90 degress being 
the minimum. I've kept the mass for 180 degrees the same as in the 
Fleet Book but for smaller arcs you get more arc/mass whilst for 
larger arcs you get less arc/mass. 

(Example: Class 3 battery is still mass 6 for 180 degrees, but mass 4 
gives you 90 degrees instead of 60 and mass 9 gives you 315 degress 
instead of 360 degrees).

It works well for Trek but obvously can't be used alongside 
conventional Fleet Book designs.

The arcs/mass in full are:
Class 1 battery : mass 1 for 360 degress.
Class 2 battery : mass 1 for 90 degress + 1 mass/additional 90 
Class 3 battery : mass 4 for 90 degress + 1 mass/additional 45 
Class 4, etc. : double previous class.
Torpedo : mass 4 for 90 degress + 1 mass/additional 45 degrees.

The Ground Zero Games Meta-FAQ is available at

Steve Pugh   <>

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