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[FT] Initial Vectors

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:05:56 -0600
Subject: [FT] Initial Vectors

>From several comments, I've become confused as to what is the
'common' way of setting initial speeds and directions of ships
at the start of a meeting scenerio.

Of course, special scenerio setups are always possible, but do
folks normally let the participants start however they want,
use set startings, or something randomized? We've been using
a d6+4 which I think was how the last GenCon battles were
started, but I'm not finding any 'official' book answer so far,
and was mostly curious as to how others do it.

One thing I think I may start changing, though, is our tendency
to line the ships of one fleet along one board edge. This does
seem a bit static.

Does make 'deploying the fleet' an art in itself.


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