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Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:06:08 +1000
Subject: Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal

G'day Oerjan,

I'm going to answer for Derek here - which inevitably means you'll get
another email cotaining the complete opposite of everything said here
him ;)

>You use the same words as Weber/White, but you give them a rather
>different meaning. Putting my Starfire Design Studio hat on for a

You're probably making a very sound point here (sorry never read the
books), but I do know he meant the way he imagines the book
as we don't have the game.

>Put it like this: If my enemy flies at speeds less than 18 (with the
>9mu secondary move) 

Which he's thinking of dropping anyway.


Don't be. I agree the thought of 12 MT missiles heading for me is
terrifying, but then so would 12 SMs (and as I've designed a series
of arsenalships that's something Derek may just have to face at some
point). He really hasn't invented a new terror weapon he's just made an
existing weapon compatible with FB. We had a few games over the weekend
as far as I can see they didn't cause any imbalance. In fact in one game
his HC coped 2 SMs as mine took 3 MT missiles, after PDS fire I was
7 dice and he was
holding 4. He was gutted and I went almost untouched (and for those
wondering where all my ones went my SMs weren't doing too bad, but my
torpedo fighters more than made up for it - literally ALL ones for those
that actually made it in).

Anyways, thanks for all the feedback.



Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax (03) 6232 5199 International +61 3 6232 5199


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