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Re: [DS2] DS2 Lite

From: "Something is hidden. Go and find it. (Kipling)" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 07:34:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [DS2] DS2 Lite

>>even if the other guy kochte's
>He heard that. How to you pronounce kochte's. Its not a common
>name here (UK). I'm guessing Cock's ('te'is silent).

'Pends if you want the German or American pronounciation. The American
pronounciation is easy: cock-tay

The German is a more in-your-throat-as-if-you-were-going-to-spit sound
(as every good German knows ;) : co(ch)-teh

"Now, please notify the Captain that I am here. I need to meet with him
the rest of the command staff ASAP. I...assume my usual quarters in the
are available. I've grown so attached to the place."
				       -  Bester, 'Into The Fire',
Babylon 5

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