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Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 22:30:01 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem

At 12:04 PM 3/12/99 +1000, Beth wrote:

Good evening.... ^_^

>>By the way, Beth -- that was very well done, indeed.	I don't think I
>>could've asked for anything better, though since both Noam & I were
>>targetting your BDN with everythign we had anyway, I'm not sure the
>>placement mattered *too* much.  (Just to make you feel better. ^_- )
>Thanks for your consideration, but believe me when I say its not the
>worse I've ever endured...hey when you roll dice like I do you have to
>be philosophical (or plain crazy). 

<grin>	I've had moments like that, but mostly with EPIC.  (Something
15 4+ dice rolls one time... and I got *two* hits! <sigh> )

>By the way don't you think its
>ironic that Kenny has survived so long? 

Ironic?  No.  By design?  Yes. <grin>  We want to deprive Indy of the
chance for theatrics. ^_-

>(Kenny immediately gets popped
>and Indy starts belting Beth over the head yelling "You bastard!").

Of course... ya never know. ^_^

>> (I also like the 1 maneuver point per point of rotation rule, as
>>people in my GZG-ECC game know.  Pushes were 2 MPs, and your # of MPs
>>equal to your thrust rating instead of half.)
>Hmmm, nice idea. How much does it change/restrict the movement?

Not much, for the faster ships.  The big boats are a lot more
though, which isn't all that bad a thing IMO.  Means you need a lot more
planning for those edge-of-the-board scrapes....  It would also put a
on this "push in direction of main thrust" thread, since you have to
burn a
fair bit of maneuver to rotate. ^_^

					Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race 
file. Does strange things.
		--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!

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