Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:55:21 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal
>> If those three barges had had *standard* warheads though, the ship
>> would've taken on average 4.6*7 = 32.2 pts of damage... no, sorry,
>> only wanted the specialty missiles to be doubled in size, not the
>> standard ones. OK, it gets hit by 18 - 4.4 missiles, for on average
>> pts of damage - a rather massive overkill, I think. *This* is
>> IMO.
>Not by that much, though. However, I'm not sure that we can find the
>"balance point" without fractional points cost - something I'm sure we
>want to avoid.
I didn't see any fractional costs here (??)
>If you take the NAC SDN "missile boat" we've been using as an example,
>could wield 18 MT missiles (scary!!), or 9 SMRs. Assuming all of the
>salvos hit the opposing ship - just for the sake of comparing numbers -
>using straight summed average damage and missile hit numbers, we end up
>the following:
This is a problem. You can't assume that all the SMRs are going to hit
before PDS fire. Where-as you can almost be sure that all your missiles
will. (See Olerjan's previous post concerning hitting with the proposed
SMR fire is spread out to catch a ship in a net. On average, maybe half
will hit. The MT missiles are "pinpoint" weapons.