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Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 19:18:56 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal

>Notice that my original suggestion was to allow only 'standard'

Point well taken. I hate them too.

>Let's take the same NAC SND and equip it with 9 EMP missiles.	In order
to do
>that, we'll need to strip out some components in order to make room -
36 mass
>worth of components.  Let's see - tossing the two fighter bays and all
>Class 3s will do it nicely.  That leaves us with, ..., what?
>2	Class 1 Battery, 6 arcs
>2	Class 2 Battery, 6 arcs
>2	Pulse Torpedo, 1 arc

This isn't the abuse that I was fearing, though nice job on the

What I'm worried about is an "eggshell" mounting three missiles, say:

Mass 20 Missile Boat:

Fragile Hull, 2 MASS, 4 POINTS
FTL Drives, 2 MASS, 4 POINTS
Thrust 3, 3 MASS, 6 POINTS
1 FireCon, 1 MASS, 4 POINTS
3 EMP Missiles, 12 MASS, 36 POINTS


Three of these babies can take down our SDN "in a vacuum," at 162


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