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RE: [FT] Houserules for bringing MT missiles into FB

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 19:08:23 -0800
Subject: RE: [FT] Houserules for bringing MT missiles into FB

>My personal preference is that any missiles used in an antimissile role
>roll 1 PDS dice per missile used; so a full SML salvo in antimissile
>mode would roll 6 PDS die against the target.	Against MT missiles, a
>kill is 98% effective, but you've also expended a potential 36 pts of
>damage.  Against another SML salvo, it's resolved as normal, but
>antimissile PDS is rolled before you see how many missiles are on

It would follow to use the same rules against fighters, and that doesn't
work so well - talk about overkill !!

That's why I like the 1 kill per warhead idea better. i.e. an SML used
fighters rolls 1 die, killing that many fighters. This represents each
target" warhead rabidly overkilling 1 fighter.


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