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Rules for BFG/FT Conversion. (Warp Space Winds)

From: "Denny Graver" <cyberdruss@c...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 06:47:35 -0000
Subject: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion. (Warp Space Winds)

>> The sailing rules look fine, but I'd drop the changing wind
>> The solar wind generally comes from the nearest star, and somehow I
>> if it changes its location very fast (unless the battle is fought in
>> vicinity of a double star, perhaps? :-) )

Or the warp space winds winds as suggested by Danny Moody
>> It can be quite a challenge to maneuver a sailing craft on the table
anyway; >>random wind directions make it rather difficult for the Eldar
player to plan ahead.

Unless the roll for Warp Space Winds is made before order writing.

The dice roll could be hidden under a cup until orders are written, or a
pack of cards could be used.  The Eldar player would then know how much
he had to work with.  PSB: The eldar sensors get a 'WSW' prediction at
end of the previous turn.

> I don't know where anyone got the idea that you roll for wind
>each turn.  You roll once at the begining of the game, that's it.

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