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Re: A Kids game...

From: "Andrew & Alex" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 17:05:54 +1300
Subject: Re: A Kids game...

Michael Wikan <> wrote:
>I have created a child's space combat game using my Star Wars counters.
6-year old Son and I played a fleet battle involving Two Star
Destroyers, 12
Squadrons of TIE fighters, Bombers, Interceptors, 1 Mon Cal cruiser, 2x
Nebulon B Frigates, 2xBlockade Runners and 6 Squads of Rebel Fighters.
about 30 mins to play.

>Would anyone be interested in me putting it on the Web for download?
    Sure, why not? I'm interested! It might contain some interesting
that could be put into other games and it could be an entertaing "beer
pretzels" game.

Andrew Martin
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