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Re: Saturday at the Con. . .

From: "What do you mean 'Vorchans aren't atmosphere-capable'?" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 07:47:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Saturday at the Con. . .

>>>Yeah, and those Tuffleys were _cute_ as they puffed into little balls
>>>gas.  Which miniature were those?  
>>Ex-inspection launches from Traveller. I believe they are now the
>>mantis' ships from RAFM for Silent Death.
>I think I have some of these. Are they the Flying Torpedos (cylidrical
>things with fins) or are they the pointy nosed ships with the "wings"
>have about three missile tubes each? 

The latter: pointy-nosed ships with 'wings' housing what you interpret
as 3
missile tubes each (and what I interpret as forward-arc Class-2 beam
batts :)

>I've painted one of the Flying
>Torpedos in Imperial Japanese Navy colors. I copied the paint scheme
from a
>picture of a WWII Japanese "Zero"-white base, a light blue band around
>nose and of course the rising sun. Looks rather spiffy, if I do say so.

Keen. I dinna think I have any of those Flying Torps.

If the conquest of a great peak brings moments of exultation and bliss,
which in the monotonous, materialistic existence of modern times nothing
else can approach, it also presents great dangers.  It is not the goal
*grand alpinisme* to face peril, but it is one of the tests one must 
undergo to deserve the joy of rising for an instant above the state of 
crawling grubs.
				       -Lionel Terray, 1965

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