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RE: [Con-Quotes] GZG-ECC II Quote Board Entries

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 13:12:29 +1100
Subject: RE: [Con-Quotes] GZG-ECC II Quote Board Entries

I can't wait for someone to do an AAR of the 'Severed Dreams' scenario

'Neath Southern Skies
Cmdr Robertson - GCV Southern Skies
Fleet Admiral Doyle - ESU Vesuvius (La Fayette invasion force)
Gunslinger, Emperor & all-around demigod.

-----Original Message-----
From:	[]
Sent:	Monday, March 01, 1999 11:16 AM

   "Hyperions always ride in single file to hide their numbers" (an
   observer commenting during the EFSB 'Severed Dreams' scenario)

   "Sorry." (before grabbing 30 dice during the EFSB 'Severed Dreams'

   "There are significantly less Hyperions than when I last checked."
   (earlier observer coming back to the EFSB 'Severed Dreams' scenario)

   "No the Hyperions aren't a problem - we just blew up B5!" (Hyperion
   captain after taking a small shot at B5 and watching B5 blow ALL it's
   catastrophic failure rolls during the EFSB 'Severed Dreams' game)

   "You've got two choices. Tie her to a chair, or..." (randomly
   overheard from a post-con wrap up conversation)


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