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Re: [FT] Fleet design (Was Re: Alarishi Home Page)

From: j a c <journeyman2000@j...>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 09:27:34 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Fleet design (Was Re: Alarishi Home Page)

On Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:39:08 -0500 "Izenberg, Noam"
<> writes:
>Stealth Lives! Muah-ah-ah!
I would posit that if such a
>theft were somehow to occur, either military confrontation would very
>quickly ensue (say, raids on NCS research and construction 
>or energies would be devoted to sabotage efforts to gain from the 
>Now if you want to talk trade or sale, NI has no qualms about selling
>certain ships of its own design or contracting to construct custom 
>for others. 
Well Mr. Izenberg, I can't say the NCS has always done things the smart
way.  What with the NCS encountering KV scouts in 2183, and again in
(AAR to follow soon), and taking a good kicking both times, the NCSN is
beginning to feel a bit paranoid as well.  If you note Nyrath's


All Hail Nyrath the Indispensable!  Master Stellacartographer and High
Lord of Astropolitical Locations!


..........ummm, anyway, the once the KV figures out the general
of Human space's core worlds, the NCS is going to be sitting right at
pointy end of the spear, so to speak.  Anyway, even though the NI is
paranoid about its facilities, no facility is perfectly sealable. 
Shortly after the Second Battle of LTT 6104, the NCS got wind of the NI
having some sort of stealth tech.  Having been unable to obtain or
successfully copy the cloaking tech of the Big 4, the NCSN mounted an
operation to obtain it.  The details are, needless to say, classified,
but they managed to get hold of it somehow.

Now, the obligatory game tie in.  I'd love to take you on in some PbEM
action, detailing the short lived NI/NCS war of 2186.  I've got FT MT FB
and DS2 (I gotta get SG2 sometime here).  Any ideas??  It could add
nicely to our joint histories.

Jim Clem
Full Thrust Site

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