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Battlefleet Gothic

From: "Michael Blair" <amfortas@h...>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 03:57:29 PST
Subject: Battlefleet Gothic

The latest Issue of White Dwarf has another feature on Battlefleet 
Gothic. There are photo's of the ships and they look gorgeous.
The staff at the Belfast shop are enthusiastic about it (but aren't they

Apparently we can look forward to torpedo counters which could be useful

in a real game...
The staff quoted a price of 40 pounds for it. I do like that, it is 1 
pound or forty pounds not this 99 pence nonsense.

I was in on Saturday looking for some flock, they didn't have any but I 
bought White Dwarf for the first time in over a decade, back issues 
reduced to 50p, including the BG preview with rules.

I have now bought Warhammer (cheaply), upgrading from 2nd. ed (c. 1984) 
and Warhammer Historical. I rather like them (bar the chaos nonsense and

the pointy-eared bastards) (Hides head in shame). They will do until the

FMJ fantasy/historical rules arrive (big grin).


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