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Re: [DSII] Genre

From: Kevin Walker <sage@m...>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 02:07:14 -0600
Subject: Re: [DSII] Genre

On 2/21/99 12:35 AM Alan E & Carmel J Brain wrote:

>You're a Cruel, Cruel Man. All I have is a Mk V, Mk IV (the only one in
>Oz, AFAIK), a Mk III, and 6 Fencers. Plus a fair few PanEuropean and
>Combine stuff, a lot of which is quite rare (Combine Mobile Howizers,
>SuperHeavies and light GEVs).

I always get a little green eyed when you mention the Combine rarities 
you've acquired Alan.  However I won't complain.  In the last two years 
I've been able to add a number of OGREs to my collection (now if only 
they were all painted).  IIRC I'm somewhere around the following: 8 Mk 
Vs, 1 Mk IV, 12 Mk IIIs, and 10 or so Fencers.	Someday we'll have to
all us OGRE collectors together (wouldn't that require a lot of flying) 
for one massive OGRE battle to end all engagements.

>With a bit of luck, SJ may licence another firm to do some more sooner
>than you think.

I for one would welcome this...

Kevin Walker			 Mac / Windows Developer		 Software Engineer
Rochester  MN  USA		 Currently Available for Hire!!!

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