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Re: [DS2] Anti-Tank guns

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:40:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [DS2] Anti-Tank guns

Andrew & Alex wrote:

> John M. Atkinson <> wrote:
> >...Steel
> >Panthers is missing a number of vital elements, including real aerial
> >reconaissance and IPB, as well as mangling the relationships of
>     What's an IPB?

IPB isn't a thing, it's a procedure.  Intelligence Preparation of the

> >units (note recent discussion about Patriot batteries providing
> >support to a maneuver batallion, which would only happen in someone's
> >drug-induced fantasies).
>     Now, now, calm down. :-) Remember that both DSII and SPII/SPIII
> the player to do this. I and Stephen don't have the experience of

DSII doesn't.  In fact, DSII is very light on air defense.  You wanna
say "DSII with my house rules based on Steel Panthers."

> hierachy to guide or hinder us. We're just doing what's effective,
> I'm sure, effective generals through out history have done. Military
> hierachy or no military hierachy.

This is exactally my point.  You're focusing on your little computor
screen, and making decisions based on that, without knowing exactally A:
What the Patriot is used for doctrinally, B: How many Patriots are in
the inventory, C:How many Patriots are likely to be in-theater, D:
Whether or not there are more important targets, etc.  If you've got
three Patriot Brigades in-theater, they are going to be defending ports,
air bases, and major headquarters, not some armored batallion.	They've
got organic air defense platoons, the division has air defense units
(although US Air Defense Artillery has been a bit anemic at this level. 
Stinger is wonderful, but it's not appropriate at that level). You don't
have the big picture.  
>     Yes. That's what it relies on, WWII or second wave style of
> not info-war or third wave fighting. See Alvin Toffler.

Which book did he write?  The name is familliar.

>     Why not use the immobilised vehicle rule towards the back of the
> rule book? It's a standard rule and gets rid of the AT gun crew

Heh. . . Good idea.

John M. Atkinson

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