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Re: GZG Encyclopedia Starmap Second Wave

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 17:05:21 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG Encyclopedia Starmap Second Wave wrote:
> In a message dated 99-02-07 08:15:03 EST, you write:
> << Oh, and you'll see that I've postulated *two*
>  "Kra'vak incursion routes", a smaller one
>  aimed at the PAU, and a larger one aimed at
>  the NAC and ESU.  Is everyone cool with this? >>
> If I recall my GZG history corectaly the PAU was the first to be hit,
with the
> NAC and ESU being hit abou equaly, I whould get rid of the lower right
> invasion, as it seems to me that the NAC is shielding the ESU from the
> Kra'Vak, if I'm reading the map wrong pleese let me know.  If that is
done I
> would change the axis of the attack so that is was pointed at Sol.

With the factionated nature of the Kra'Vak postulated in discussions I
had some time ago, multiple axis of advance makes sense.  In fact, I'd
be surprised if only two were used.  BTW, I think it would be beyond
corny, into the realms of 1930s pulp SF, to have them pointed at Sol. 
How would the K'V know where we come from?  At least until Rot
Hafen--it's established they captured a lot of that colony in one piece,
so they would have plenty of astrographical data to play with, once they
figured out our measuring conventions.	

John M. Atkinson

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