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Re: UBW Stars

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 09:26:17 -0500
Subject: Re: UBW Stars wrote:
> Looking at the Astropol map I have concluded that the Kra'Vak invasion
> comming from (if the top of the map is north) South West, the UBW is
> in the North East, there stars are Chi Drac, Sigma Drac, GJ1289,

	Ummmmmm, IMHO GJ1012 is a bad choice.
	Look at it's co-ords: -1,5,-12
	Especially the -12. <grin>

	Since the other stars are at Z co-ords from
	+4 to -3, this means that the Pan African Union
	is actually closer to Sigma Draconis than GJ 1012.

	Remember that this is a *three-dimensional* map.

	I would suggest as an alternate to GJ 1012
	EV Lacertae (right below Sigma Draconis)

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