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Re: Encyclopedia Test Pages

From: "It'll be cool, it'll be's gonna *suck*" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 10:12:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Encyclopedia Test Pages

Thomas Anderson replies to meeee:
>> > - link-type distinction (didtinguish between links within the pedia
>> > links to external sites; perhaps include the latter in a
>> > section in the document rather than inline in the text)
>> By external sites you mean documentation or webpages hosted
>i mean documents which are not part of the encyclopedia itself; by
>of the encyclopedia itself", i mean stuff that has not been through the
>process (organising, proofreading, formatting, peer review), but which
>still relevant.

Okay, got it. I wasn't sure exactly where you were all going with this,
hence my question.

>amazing: it took me three paragraphs to express what any normal person
>could do in a line or two. i need help. or i could write textbooks.


Go the textbook route. You can make money that way.

Thanks for the clarification.

Daune: "How can you be asleep and getting ready at the same time?"

Indy: "I'm multi-tasking..."

Prev: Re: Planetery Defense Batteries Next: Re: ARRRGHHHH!!! ( Was Re: Rules for BFG/FT Conversion.)