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AoG ships in UK (was: RE: Anyone use FB ships?)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 01:10:55 +0000
Subject: AoG ships in UK (was: RE: Anyone use FB ships?)

>>lots of B5 stuff for EFSB games if we could find any! I _wish_ AoG
>>would get their @rs*s into gear and start selling the minis over here!
>>It's very frustrating to read of people picking up Sharlins and Omegas
>>at close-out sales...!
>Well, said hear hear.
>No AOG minis in the UK that I can easily find. Shipping
>from US is a pain and expensive (Cost (inc US tax) + shipping +
>VAT (17.5% euro tax))

Oh, yes there are! Hobbygames are bringing them in, whether "legally" or
through a US distributor as grey imports I don't know, but they are
certainly available to shops if they want them - a couple of the regular
traders at the UK shows carry them, as do quite a few shops (Orky has
so do Caliver Books, and even my local comics shop has a few in!). Ones
like the T'loth and Hyperion are around £9.95, but the Bin'Tak is

Jon (GZG)
>-= tim jones =-

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