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Re: Storyline Battles at Conventions

From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 21:04:29 -0500
Subject: Re: Storyline Battles at Conventions

Nathan Pettigrew wrote:
> Might make an awesome mega-campaign email game too.  Although running
such a
> thing would be an Herculean task...
> Nathan

It would be doable, but you would need help with the Gamemastering.
With monthly turns, a Master Gamemaster would run the strategic game,
and either run a tactical engagement or delegate encounters to PBeM
Gamemasters.  In any case, it would be a Monsterous Job.  If you had
enough GM help, it could go smoothly.

I've run the Empress Arianna tournament, a single player elimination,
with eight players for a total of eight distinct matches.  I am 
completing the Empress Arianna II tournament with sixteen players. The
finals are in progress, but I've run fourteen matches with two ongoing.

An assistant GM would have made life a LOT easier.


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