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Re: A new power to deal with, The New Confederate States

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:00:05 -0500
Subject: Re: A new power to deal with, The New Confederate States

Los wrote:

> Interesting side note: Imagine a future GZZ ECC that decides the fate
> the official GZG Universe after 2200. You have a campiagn of somesort
> the months leading up, with the final big fight at the con. If the
> NRE, NAC or whatever alien force the humans take on is elimniated then
> the discussion of new happenings for that power are stricken from teh
> roles forever....

I wouldn't be too worried--if they were coming after a major star system
(New Rome, Thrace), the NRE (and most other powers, I presume) has large
sublight garissons (primarily Cerebus-class SDBs, but with other ships
converted.  My rule of thumb is to rip out the FTL and add the
equivelant in armor, making them tough little escorts indeed).	In fact,
I'd say it would be almost impossible to capture a core system of any
major power without a really massive fleet action.  Large enough so that
in the multi-polar GZG-verse, while A's entire fleet is off beating the
hell out of B, C is going to take the chance to snag a half-dozen
colonies from A.  All the while watching out for D, who might jump into
the fray on either side.

John M. atkinson

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