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Re: NRE, IF and Alarishi designs, was Re: [FT] Hardened Systems

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 00:46:53 -0500
Subject: Re: NRE, IF and Alarishi designs, was Re: [FT] Hardened Systems

Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> <G> There are some... oddities with both NRE, IF and Alarishi designs,
> however - I'm not sure if they are typos or miscalculations, though.

Should be fixed.  Got some strange points values, would appreciate
double checks.

> NRE Milvian Bridge-class Destroyer Leader. This unit is listed as Mass
> 44, but with Avg. hull, FTL and Thrust-6 such a ship could only carry
> Mass of equipment. The Milvian Bridge has 15 Mass of equipment,
> it to be at least Mass 48 (CL size!).

Not only corrected, but brought into line with Imperial Naval doctrine. 
This used to be a SML design until I changed it in haste when I decided
to restrict SMLs to pure SML-armed formations.	Didn't do math.  :(

> NRE Commerce Raider: Same problem as for the Milvian Bridge.

Unsure what happened, I think it's fixed.  Combination typo and
miscalculation.  The web page didn't match the master copy Word file,
and I couldn't get either of them to add up right.  
> NRE St. Symeon CA: With the hull and engines specified, a Mass 80 hull
> can only hold 32 Mass of equipment. The St. Symeon has 35 Mass of
> equipment (including armour). (Smallest legal ship size is 87)

Fixed, I think.
> NRE St. Cyril BB: The hull integrity is given as 32, but should be 36
> (Mass 120, Avg. hull; I assume this is a typo).

> NRE de la Valette BC: With the hull and engines specified, a Mass 120
> hull could only have 36 Mass. It has 37, but in this case it is
> sufficient to increase the hull size to 121 (which makes the total
> 4030 MN rather than the 4060 listed). Hull integrity remains the same.

Same Typo as above.
> NRE Virgin Mary DNH: Should only be able to fit 100 Mass equipment;
> 102 Mass (smallest legal ship size 254 Mass).

> NRE Antioch CVE: The Mass given is 106 which allows it 42 Mass of
> equipment, but it only actually uses 41 (which would allow as small a
> hull as 101 Mass). Using 3 FC for 2 Class-1 and 1 Class-2 batteries
> a bit much too...?

Not only fixed, but corrected.	The excess FCs are holdover from
cut-and-paste the Battleship.
> NRE St. Peter CV: With a Mass of 280, the ship is allowed 112 Mass of
> equipment. It only uses 106 (minimum legal Mass 264); should there be
> another 3-arc Class-3, or something like that?

Typo, yes there should be.
> IFN Tulwar "DDH" (though at Mass 50 - *more* than the Turcoman and
> Kronprinz Wilhelm classes of Light Cruisers! - I'm a bit suspicious
> calling this a "destroyer"... <g>): With a total Mass of 50, this ship

Strategic Misinformation.

John M. Atkinson

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