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Re: Directional armor & shields

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:15:19 -0800
Subject: Re: Directional armor & shields

>I also think that directional armor would be neat in combination with
>normal armor per FTFB, if I could only come up with some sort of
>justfication - I haven't been able to yet...
[various snippage]
>I also like the idea of allocated screens.  Standard screens cover 6
>at a value of 1 each.	Instead allow each screen generator to generate
>points of screening, which can be allocated as desired among the arcs
>this allocation if fixed and graphically portrayed around the

I'm sorry gentlemen, but this smacks way too much of SFB. I got out of
game because of complexity like that. It allows for too many rules
and loophole searchers.


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