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Re: GZGL FT Fast FTL drives.

From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 23:15:32 -0700
Subject: Re: GZGL FT Fast FTL drives.

>There should be some difference between milspec systems and civilians,
>perhaps, but not that much.  The limiting factor is crew endurance, not
>engine performance.  If you can run a ship with AI only, then we should
>seeing drone fighters (which, come to think of it, is high on the
>Empire's priority list).

Didn't the fleet book say that the AI warships were too good at it and
destroyed one another.	Or maybe I'm thinking of something else...

Regardless, I don't see a problem of information drones that have
jumps per day capability.  It could have multiple AI's for navigation
maybe special computers that have a quicker turn around time.  They'd be
small courier sized (or less) ships with minimal crew capabilities (more
an after thought) and bunches of RAM (I wouldn't even hazard to guess
size: Petabytes, Exabytes, BubbaBytes).

On a semi related note, how do people handle interstellar
Courier boat, telepaths, ansible, some FTL communication, etc?	Is the
official(tm) method courier boat?

+	   Eric Fialkowski, just me	     +
+					     +
+ +
+					     +

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