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Re: [FT] IF Ship Design

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 22:01:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] IF Ship Design

I said:
> >My concept is that the IF uses fast, small ships, no FTL, with salvo
> >missiles (FSE influence); small-to-medium carriers carrying Fast
> >and FTL tugs.  The idea is to have a swarm of skirmishers which can't
> >up to close range slugging, but can harass you to death if you're not
> >careful.  Seems to suit the Arabic/Turkish style.

Schoon said:
> I like the concept, but would question the "no FTL." Skirmishers have
> have quite a bit of independence to work well.

I decided to forgo FTL for several reasons:
1) I envision FTL components as being expensive and not easily
the IF, who may be a little short in technicians compared to, say, the
will want to keep FTL components away from the battle line.
2) I figure the individual planets are ruled by semi-autonomous emirs,
will want to get the most bang for the buck.  Many of these vessels will
in a system defense posture most of the time.
3) I want the IF to have the operational vulnerability of a tender that
must be protected.  It may be 2 AU away, but if they don't fight,
have to walk home.
4) It was an easy way to give a cheap ship better thrust and a good

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