Re: Canada in NAC
From: "Colin Nash" <cmnash@d...>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 13:40:49 -0000
Subject: Re: Canada in NAC
Thomas pontificated thusly upon matters weighty:
>Why does everyone have so much trouble envisioning a state which has
>contributions from the UK and the USA but isn't quite like either but
>shows the influence of both? Guys.... we already have one!..... Some
>of us live there..... we call it CANADA. And since we were involved
>in the bail-out of the USA, it may well be that people might have
>used Canada as a model for how to integrate some of the diverse
>aspects of the two situations.
Is it just me, or is the Canadian Black Hand Society beginning to make
itself known here? Are we witnessing the first steps of the great
coup within the NAC? <g>