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RE: [URL] 3d GZG starmap up! (was Re:[FT]Size of "Countries" in FT)

From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 17:38:12 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: RE: [URL] 3d GZG starmap up! (was Re:[FT]Size of "Countries" in FT)

On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Tim Jones wrote:
> On the oxford site - I just see labels but no stars?

erk! i just copied the files into place; i haven't fiddled with them at
all. honest, guv'nor! if there is a problem it might be to do with me
having a different version to brian's or some sort of corruption en
(unlikely  as the class file format guards against this).

or ...

there is a known bug whereby the stars do not get drawn on some
(they are drawn with size zero rectangles, which either end up as points
or invisibles). are you using internet explorerer? do you get this
when you load from brian's site?

does anyone else have this problem with the oxford but not brian's site?

brian is over near:


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