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[SG] - Turn Sequence Idea

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:05:39 +1000
Subject: [SG] - Turn Sequence Idea

Someone at our club came up with a suggestion for SG and the turn
Each squad has two actions in its activation. The suggestion was to use
'deck' of cards containing two cards for each squad on the table.
the deck and then draw a card at a time. The card is the squad that can
its action. Obviously this means that squads are moving at random and
will need to be the exception where a squad will use its two actions at
to conduct a close assault. Commanders activating subordinate squads
occur as normal. Now it appears that this would only be useable for the
smaller SG games where you have 4 to 6 squads a side.

Now, this is prompted by noticing that some people 'play the rules' in
situations and not the spirit of the game. Specifically two examples

1. A squad firing at a squad directly to its front with one action then
laying down smoke to prevent the enemy squad returnign fire. Now the
game is
meant to be simultaneous activity but broken into squad activations as a
mechanic to manage the game turn. In reality a squad is not really going
have the opportunity to fire at an enemy squad then pick up and throw
grenades and whilst the smoke is billowing up sit smugly knowing that
can't be shot at as teh enemy squad hasn't had his turn yet! If the
throwing smoke is on the smaller side he will ALWAYS have initiative and
do this every turn for the entire game!! Yes, I know that you can use
rules to limit smoke and we try to get people to play realistically
smoke only to cover advances or withdrawals.

2.  A squad is wanting to do a dash across an open piece of terrain. The
player doesn't want to chance a Combat Roll going short so he waits
all units in LOS have activated. Now he can stroll across happy in the
knowledge that he CAN'T cop a burst of Reaction Fire.

Has anyone heard of this style of turn sequencing before or played it?
much do people think it would effect teh flavour of the game?

Owen G

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