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FT Pilots & Officers

From: "Tron" <cyberdruss@c...>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:34:27 -0000
Subject: FT Pilots & Officers

I was thinking of naming the Squadron Leaders and Ship's Officers
in the Lafayette Campaign I'm running after list members, but then
it might not be fun to read your name as a casualty in a battle report
without warning .  So to avoid any flaming or upset, if you'd like to
have a
place in history, please let me know.  It will only be in name only as
control of the NAC/ESU fleets (and their allies) will be by the players
involved.  Obviously for security reasons I can't give out exact
but if your choice doesn't appear on the actual fleet listing of the NAC
the ESU I'll assign you a post randomly unless you specify alternatives.
The AAR will appear for all to read at the conclusion of the campaign.

Officer for the NAC (Preferred Ship Class)
Squadron Leader for the NAC (Standard, Heavy, Fast, Intercept, Attack,
Range or Torpedo)

Officer for the NSL(Preferred Ship Class)
Squadron Leader for the NSL (Standard, Heavy, Fast, Intercept, Attack,
Range or Torpedo)

Officer for the ESU (Preferred Ship Class)
Squadron Leader for the ESU(Standard, Heavy, Fast, Intercept, Attack,
Range or Torpedo)

Officer for the FSE(Preferred Ship Class)
Squadron Leader for the FSE (Standard, Heavy, Fast, Intercept, Attack,
Range or Torpedo)


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