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Kra'vak Railguns III

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 17:28:10 +1100
Subject: Kra'vak Railguns III

OK Schoon, Mark; here's the average damage spread for the multidie RGs:

		Range to target
	0-6	7-12	13-18	19-24	25-30
	(2+)	(3+)	(4+)	(5+)	(6+)
RG-1	0.83	0.66	0	0	0
RG-2	1.67	1.32	0.5	0.33	0
RG-3	2.5	1.98	1.0	0.66	0.16
RG-4	3.33	2.64	1.5	0.99	0.33
 - Roll die equal to class (range as per beams, -1d per 12"), target as
PTs.  Each hit inflicts 1 point.

Hmmm.... This actually gives a worse damage spread than beam weapons,
esp. without using doubling.
Oh, well.  Back to the drawing board.

'Neath Southern Skies
T'was brillig, & the slithy toves,
Did gyre & gimle in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And mome raths outgrabe.
		       - Lewis Carroll "Through the Looking Glass".

-----Original Message-----
From:	Robertson, Brendan 

	Average damage per mass (vs no armour)
	base	p1	p2	p3	p4	p5
RG-1:	1.66	1.66	1.66	0.83	0.83	0.830
RG-2: 3.33	1.66	1.66	1.11	1.11	0.832
RG-3: 5.00	1.66	0.83	1.00	0.83	0.625
RG-4:	6.66	1.66	0.83	0.74	0.55	0.416

progression 1 = 1/2/3/4 => FT2 mass
progression 2 = 1/2/4/8 => standard beam mass
progression 3 = 2/3/5/9 => +1 mass on equivalent beams
progression 4 = 2/3/6/12 => + 1/2 railgun class on beams
progression 5 = 2/4/8/16 => base 2 progression

This would make it more attractive to use larger railguns.  Previous
thoughts have left no incentive to upgrade from class-1 railguns due to
law of averages.  Probably give RG-1 a 2-arc field of fire.

'Neath Southern Skies
T'was brillig, & the slithy toves,
Did gyre & gimle in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And mome raths outgrabe.
		       - Lewis Carroll "Through the Looking Glass".

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