RE: [FT] Size of "Countries" in FT
From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 16:23:37 +1000
Subject: RE: [FT] Size of "Countries" in FT
In our Expansion campaign background we've actually taken the tack that
number of the regions mentioned are actually continents on planets
than planets themselves so that many worlds consist of three or four
Owen G
-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Nash []
Subject: [FT] Size of "Countries" in FT
Whilst working on the background for my take on the Romanov Hegemony,
been puzzling over how big it should be. That is, how many systems
would it
include. Following on from this, how big are the other powers? I've
put a
quick brain dump below
Major powers - NAC, ESU, NSL, FSE - around 25-35
Secondary powers - PAU, LLAR, IslamFed - around 15-25
Third rate powers - RH, OU, FCT IndCW - around 5-15
Others - ScandivFed, independents (Netherlands, Japan, etc) - upto 5