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Re: [SG] Ambushing was RE: [SG2] Need Help with Scenario OOB!

From: agoodall@i... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 08:41:01 GMT
Subject: Re: [SG] Ambushing was RE: [SG2] Need Help with Scenario OOB!

On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 11:04:04 +1000, "Glover, Owen"

>The aims of ambushing are as follows:
>b.To Disrupt Enemy Movement. Ambushes may be used in front of and
behind the
>forward edge of the battle area. A series of successful ambushes will
>disrupt the enemy's freedom of movement.

This is what I was thinking about.

>The problem I see with only four squads is that you can only engage
four of
>the enemy vehicles simultaneously. The purpose of hiting a vehicle
patrol of
>6 or 7 APCs is to hit them all simultaneously. Inflict overwhelming
>to the enemy force before they can react and take actin to regain the

Except that it's 4 squads with a command squad. The command squad
two squads in the fist time itself with the transfer command, giving 6
activations in turn 1. 

>If you wish to be accurate you should be allocating some squads to
flank and
>rear security as well!

Hmmm, good point...

>If you are ambushing vehicles then you damn well better have vehicles
>your own to RV with for a quick get away or else have some sort of good
>withdrawal route; say through swamp or jungle that vehicles will be
>to follow up. Remember all mission orders have an "Actions On" phase.

It takes place in thick woods. The ambushers will have to get off the
board on
a particular board edge, representing them withdrawing to their
vehicles (grav rafts or some such).

>Er, may I ask what size table you are playing on as 7 vehicles spread
out at
>a minimum of 50m (5 inches on table) means that the convoy will take up
>minimum of 30 inches!! Your 4 squads are going to be VERY spread out
and the
>last vehicle will have barely gotten on-table before teh ambush goes

The table can go to 8 feet long. I've been thinking that 5 to 6 vehicles
be the max (though I COULD field 7). The figures are 15mm, so the
won't seem too clogged...

>Looking forward to seeing the pickies anyway.
>Good luck,

Allan Goodall
"You have to keep your sense of humour... and your thumbs."
- James S. Goodall, 1937 - 1998

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