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Re: Infantry Walkers!

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 00:56:34 -0800
Subject: Re: Infantry Walkers!

Kenneth Winland wrote:
>	  What do people think about infantry walkers?

>	  I am just starting to paint up a bunch of walkers for DSII, so
> have yet to find out their value in that scale.  I think that they
have a
> theory.

The only, rpt, only use I have for walkers in Dirtside II is in the
heavy weapons platoons of my Varangian Guard Orbital Insertion Infantry
For 141 points, I get a GMS/H on legs, whose only advantage over a
68-point grav jeep w/ GMS/H is the fact that I can drop it from orbit. 
If walkers ring your 'cool bell', then so be it.  Just keep in mind that
they end up very dead, very quickly against equal points in real troops.

John M. Atkinson

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