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Re: Low-Tech Forces in DSII

From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 18:14:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Low-Tech Forces in DSII

>They'll punch through Kevlar like butter. So will stilletos, sharp 
>spears, ice picks, teflon bullets, and a few other things. Kevlar 
>weave is exceptionally permeable to sharp objects which force 
>themselves between the fibers. Teflon is even better still because it 
>is slippery too. A bullet proof vest means you won't even feel a hit 
>with a club or mace, but a stilleto will puncture you like a stuck 
>pig (unless you have steel or plastic/ceramic inserts).

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but people die from blunt trauma damage
wearing "bullet proof" jackets (ie Kevlar vest) - the vest stops the
from penetrating but not the kinetic energy applied to a small spot...
which can break ribs, cause all kinds of nasty soft tissue damage, etc
 That's why they put trauma plates into kevlar battle armour - to stop
blunt trauma damage.

I imagine that someone wearing a kevlar vest would be plenty hurt if you
whacked him in the chest with a mace.  Hard enough, and you'll still
ribs at least...

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