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Re: Medics in SG2

From: Kenneth Winland <kwinland@c...>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:07:04 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Medics in SG2


On Fri, 30 Oct 1998, Thomas Barclay wrote:

> > > Here's a question: 2185 - Do medics travel armed? Or should we
> > > some unarmed figures from each of the nationalities for medics?
> > 
> > Ah. . . I tend to figure mine are armed at least with a pistol to
> > the wounded when the Muslims get to the hospitals, but those with a
> > genocidal view of their force's typical opponents may do otherwise.  

	Most medics do carry weapons... even though it may be
In Vietnam, a number of medics carried CAR-15s, shotguns,or M1911s. 
my uncle got stuck over there, he had to buy his weapon (a shotgun) from
the Australians north of Vung Tau.  He could only carry it in the field.

	Also, as there were bounties on medics offered by the North, few
medics carried their bags and cases (the ones with the nice big red
-- sniper bait).  What a lot of medics did was carry all of their
in a 40mm grenadier's vest.  The only thing marking them as medics were
their collar pins.

	A friend of ours who is a capting in the US special forces says
that in some sf teams, the medic is the guy who carries the SAW.

 > I note the UNSC medic seems to have an IPW.	

	Most of the medic modles carry weapons.  What I have only
started doing is finding models that I like as medics and just paiting a
little red cross/crescent on a pouch or somewhere innocuous.



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