[FT] Counter Railgun techniques....
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:38:20 -0800
Subject: [FT] Counter Railgun techniques....
Reading the EFSB and the pulse battery defense has got me thinking about
railguns. Was to keep a ship from attempting to intercept the
projectiles similar to EFSB rules? Sure they're travelling fast but for
sure not as fast as beams. Hence I'm thinking about trying out this
Railgun PDS.
If a ship is outfitted with SUPERIOR SENSORS (could be extended to
enhanced?) and PDS, it can attempt to intercept railgun fire fired
against it from outside of 18" (note: this could be pushed back to the
LR band of 24" will have to playtest).
1. The RG firer announces his fire. If it is in the Long range band (or
18"), then....
2. The target ship, if it has superior sensors can roll against the fire
with it's PDS. Once PDS battery may fire per railgun shot. On a 5,6 the
PDS intercpets at least some of the incoming armatures.
3. When the firer rolls to hit. Every RG shot that was intercepted
appiles a -1 modifier to hit.
4. The defender may not make multiple PDS rolls against a single RG.
5. Any PDS used in counter RG fire is done firing for the turn.
6. Supoerior sensors used in RG tracking capacity may not be used in any
other non-RG sensing attempts for the turn.
A. I see RG shots as not one projectiles launched against a target but
more likely a burst of armature like a machine-gun. Hense PDS only
degrades RG fire not necessarily stop it cold.
B. A UN patrol cruiser stumbled across this technique during HARBINGER
C. This rule may be too strong or too lenient. I'll be monkeying around
with it.