Prev: [DSII] [Tech] Battlefield Awareness (Was: [GZG] [HIST] Military Hackers) Next: What the hell is this? Re: [fh] nac vexilliology

[DSII] [Tech] Battlefield Awareness (Was: [GZG] [HIST] Military Hackers)

From: "Jim 'Jiji' Foster" <jiji@m...>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:50:24 -0700
Subject: [DSII] [Tech] Battlefield Awareness (Was: [GZG] [HIST] Military Hackers)

>Or you can ignore hidden units and jamming entirely because all =
>are SO advanced... This gives you an actual reason for no hidden units
on a
>battlefield! Modern battlefields may start to look like those "I know
>everything possible" wargames...!

Actually (to bring up Clancy again) in Executive Orders, he wrote about
something called the IVIS which apparently could track via GPS all the
vehicles equipped with the system, allowing something very like a
wargame-level of situational awareness. In fact, there was a rather
interesting bit of exposition in which the commander of the US forces
realizes that he's got the ability to see and micromanage better than
any commander in history... but that this is the one thing he must not

Admittedly, this system was being used against a lower-tech force
(combined Iran/Iraq armored divisions.) I'd imagine it'd work much less
effectively on a DSII-era battlefield where a) both sides would have
this technology and b) there'd be ECM/ECCM to spoof/jam the system.

Any of you with military experience know anything about IVIS? Is it for
real, or just Clancytech?

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