Optional fighter bay rule
From: Channing Faunce <channing@g...>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 19:32:16 -0400
Subject: Optional fighter bay rule
This variation in the fighter bay mass requirements came about because
of the rule of only being able to launch 1 fighter squadron at a time (2
for carriers). We wanted a way to be able to construct ships which could
launch more (or all) of their fighters at once.
For each fighter flight that a ship wishes to be able to launch in one
turn the Mass of the fighter bay is 12 (x2 the Mass of the fighter
flight). All other fighter bays are Mass 9 (x1.5 Fighter flight Mass)
This means that if a ship has 8 fighter flights and wishes to be able to
launch 4 flights a turn buys 4 bays at 12 mass and 4 bays at 9 mass
The only change we considered was making the "non-launch" bays Mass 6.