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From: "Wasserman, Kurt" <wasku01@m...>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 14:44:54 -0400
Subject: 䕒›婇⁇楆瑣潩썒璶䠠晡湥瀠㔮

Lurking?  What an ugly word... <g>

The neat thing is that between the Röt Hafen saga, Karla's Kidnap and
the Kra'Vak societal info being passed around on this list, these little
battles are taking on a bit of a Role-Playing flavor in addition to the
wargame aspect.

K'Urt Ws'Rmn. esq.
Kra'Vak Embassy

Note the change from .com to .gov  
We were changing providers.  ;D   

> ----------
> From: 	Los[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Tuesday, October 13, 1998 11:23 PM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: GZG Fiction Röt Hafen p.5
> The way I'm handling looking glass will unfortunately be classified
> after the battle this weekend
> because my opponent (I believe) lurks on here and it's gonna be a
> surprise. He's
> being a sport about playing the KV in the spirit of the story athough
> given
> him some fog of war stuff to throw at me also

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